Gaia Glow offers links to other third party websites that may be of interest to our website visitors. The links provided in our website are provided solely for your convenience and may assist you in locating other useful information on the Internet. When you click on these links you will leave Gaia Glow’s website and will be redirected to another website. These websites are not under the control of Gaia Glow.

Recommended Resources: For Pregnancy and Postpartum

Birth Doula

Having a Doula: Their Benefits and Purpose
Evidence on: Doulas
Reason to Hire a Doula

Postpartum Sacred Window

Nourishing Postpartum
The Sacred Window

Herbalism for Pregnancy, Postpartum and Baby

Herbs for Pregnancy, Postpartum and Baby

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

The Effects of Mindfulness-Based Yoga During Pregnancy

Gaia Glow offers links to other third party websites that may be of interest to our website visitors. The links provided in our website are provided solely for your convenience and may assist you in locating other useful information on the Internet. When you click on these links you will leave Gaia Glow’s website and will be redirected to another website. These websites are not under the control of Gaia Glow.